All LEARNZ field trips are closely linked to the New Zealand curriculum.
This Geothermal Power field trip to the Wairakei Geothermal field Power Station targets Science and Physics at secondary schools for NCEA levels 1-3.
- L4-5 Earth Science, Planet Earth 5.1, 5.2, 5.4
- L6 Earth Science, Planet Earth 6.4 AS90190 / 1.5 Describe aspects of geology
- L7 Earth Science, Planet Earth 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 AS90316 / 2.5 Describe NZ's geological history and processes, and.
- L8 Earth Science, Planet Earth 8.1, 8.2, 8.4 AS90731 / 3.5 Describe geological processes affecting New Zealand
- L4-5 Science, Physical World 5.2, 5.4
- L6 Science, Physical World 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 AS90187 / 1.2 Research, with direction, how science and technology are related AS90191 / 1.6 Describe aspects of physics
- L7 Science, Physical World 7.2 AS90313 / 2.2 Research an environmental issue or the historical development of a scientific idea
- L8 Science, Physical World 8.2 AS90731 / 3.5 Describe geological processes affecting NZ
- L6 Physics 6.1a, 6.2b AS90181 / 1.2 Research, with direction, how physics and technology are related AS90185 / 1.6 Demonstrate understanding of electricity and magnetism
- L7 Physics 7.1 7.2b AS90253 / 2.2 Report on the physics of an idea or application and its significanceAS90257 / 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism
- L8 Physics 8.1b AS90523 / 3.6 Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems.